Kevin Eckler has done it again. Gone above and beyond my expectations. My car repair turned out to be more extensive than expected, yet, Kevin got it finished. Because of his dedication, and the support of his knowledgeable and competent staff, I can now drive my car trusting that it is not only comfortable and pleasurable to use, but that it is safe for me and for anyone else on the highway. Kevin's vast experience and knowledge is only surpassed by his work ethic, commitment, honesty and integrity. Thank you, Foreign Car, for a job well done.Sincerely,Bill SepePoughkeepsie NY
Bill, the pleasure is completely ours - we couldn't ask for a better neighbor than you. Your commitment and dedication to our community is certainly unmatched and we are proud to be able to call you "friend"! We wish you happy and safe travels in your newly overhauled Subaru, enjoy!
- Foreign Car Specialists - Walkway