Posted on 4/6/2021

April is Nation Car Care Month and although every month is car care month at Foreign Car Specialists we would like to take this opportunity to jump on the awareness bandwagon and present you all with some tidbits of car care advice. It's no secret that regular maintenance is the key to preserving the life of your car. Our job is to be your vehicle's advocate. We're here to do everything you can't or don't want to do yourself and, help you keep your car for however long you want. Transmission fluid changes seem to be one service that customers hem and haw over. Should it be done, can it wait? Opinions vary from one customer to the next. The truth of the matter is this - the transmission is one of the most complex and costly systems in your vehicle to repair and if it fails completely you could end up spending thousands of dollars in repairs. Transmission fluid is the life blood of ... read more
Posted on 3/5/2021

THESE ARE THE TOP TEN THINGS YOU CAN DO TO INCREASE FUEL ECONOMY: The team at Foreign Car Specialists provides several solutions that can help customers increase fuel efficiency. Alone, they may not save you a lot of money, but combined, you could save several dollars per each tank of gas. Before we talk about how to increase your gas mileage, did you know you can get more gas for your money by filling up first thing in the morning- not last thing in the afternoon? Take advantage of the early morning cold by filling up your tank early in the day, while the ground temperature is still cold. The temperature of gasoline, diesel, ethanol, and other petroleum products plays an important role in getting the most for your money. Because the storage tanks are underground, the colder the ground the more dense the fuel. When it gets warmer it expands, so when buying in the afternoon or in the evening your gallon is not exactly a gallon. Station pumps don't measure actual volu ... read more